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Returning to Work after COVID

As COVID-19 restrictions start to ease around Australia, companies and organisations will need to prepare to reopen their businesses. But bringing your people back to work is not as simple as flicking a switch. There are considerations through this transition period. 

Each business has its own unique set of challenges – from reimagining hotdesking and meeting spaces to restarting bricks-and-mortar factories and retail locations. In spite of these challenges, businesses face the same concerns. Where do you begin? How can you protect your people? Is there a right way to move forward?

Work Safety Hub has created some guidelines and considerations to help bring your people back to the workplace.

How will you ensure the health and safety of your people? Things to consider include:

  • Monitoring and maintaining proper social distancing guidelines.
  • Establishing stringent cleaning and sanitation protocols for desks, meeting rooms, bathrooms, end-of-trip facilities and shared kitchen spaces.
  • Ensuring your staff are provided with the facilities and personal protective equipment (PPE) to maintain personal hygiene, such as face masks, gloves, alcohol wipes, handwashing stations and hand sanitisers.  
  • Having a risk management process that factors in contact tracing, travel policy reviews and tracking of employee compliance with health regulations.
  • Having a contingency plan should there be another spike in COVID-19 cases.

Safety consultant services

We assist you to meet the SafeWork Australia Guidelines, Risk Assess your operations, Evaluate the risks and determine appropriate Control plans.

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Learn more about our COVID services.




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