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BHP Worker Sacked for Refusing to Shave Off Beard

Posted by Robert O'Neill

The Fair Work Commission kept the decision to terminate a BHP worker who refused to shave off his beard.

On April 30, James Felton’s request for unfair dismissal application was dismissed on the basis that he actually deliberately decided to simply not comply with the policy implemented by his employer.



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Topics: Occupational Health and Wellbeing

Business to Face Penalties for Letting Staff Use Ride-Share Service

Posted by Robert O'Neill

Uber faces regulationsUnder work safety laws, experts warn Australian companies that allow their personnel to use Uber rather than the regular taxi service risk having to face heavy penalties while on work-related travel.

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Topics: Occupational Health and Wellbeing

Breach of Work Safety Laws Widespread in Canberra Brothels

Posted by Robert O'Neill

Brothel Canberra health and safety breachThe sex trade industry in Canberra has always been compliant of the trade’s work safety laws. The 28 registered escort agencies in the country’s capital have however started a trend of breaching the long-established laws on general occupational health and safety.

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Topics: Occupational Health and Wellbeing

Bulk Carrier Ship Detained at Newcastle Port for Safety Breach

Posted by Robert O'Neill

bulk carrier shipIn Newcastle, a bulk carrier ship has been detained after it was reported to have had some of its crew members forced to unlash cargo while being at sea.

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Topics: Occupational Health and Wellbeing

Bulga Underground Operations: Convicted of Health and Safety Breach for 2010 Workplace Accident

Posted by Robert O'Neill

beltana mineBulga Underground was found guilty and convicted for breaching workplace health and safety laws that resulted in a worker being seriously injured at the Beltana mine in 2010.

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Topics: Blog, Occupational Health and Wellbeing