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Leading Critical Risk Management: Human-Centric Strategies for Safer, More Resilient Workplaces

Posted by Robert O'Neill

Screenshot 2024-06-21 at 2.35.04 pm-1In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, effective risk management is no longer just a box ticking exercise—it's a strategic imperative. Critical Risk Management (CRM) is the cornerstone of safeguarding your employees and ensuring the seamless continuity of your operations. By honing in on the highest impact risks that pose the most significant threats, CRM empowers you to take a proactive stance in mitigating potential hazards and fostering a culture of resilience within your organisation.

Leading Critical Risk Management: Human-Centric Strategies for Safer, More Resilient Workplaces
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Topics: Hazard and Risk Management, Safe Systems of Work

Unions Claim Mining Employers Stifling Safety on Sites

Posted by Robert O'Neill

Safety StickersDespite the prohibition imposed by employers, workers continue to wear safety stickers on their work day in their aim to further encourage and promote safety in the workplace. The current safety promotion campaign is the result of the tragic death of three miners in Queensland within the year and after standards for safety across the industry has once again dwindled.

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Topics: Hazard and Risk Management, Contractors, Suppliers, Visitors & Customers, Communication, Consultation and Involvement, Safety Culture

Survey provides unique insights into Transport Industry Safety Culture

Posted by Robert O'Neill

truck fatalitiesThe reputation of Australia’s trucking industry for being one of the country’s most dangerous sectors has once again reinforced in a survey conducted, with hundreds of employers participating and admitting to more often than not breaking workplace safety rules to have jobs completed on time and admit to having workplace injuries considered as typical day-to-day risks at work.

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Topics: Hazard and Risk Management, Documentation, Document Control and Records, Safe Work Australia, Industry Sectors

Victorian Parliaments Investigates on Alleged Contamination of Water at Training Base

Posted by Robert O'Neill

contaminated waterAccording to a Victorian parliamentary investigation, water at the Country Fire Authority’s (CFA) training base in Fiskville in Western Victoria was alleged to have been deliberately contaminated as part of a biological experimental process.

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Topics: Hazard and Risk Management

The Australian Industry Group Warns of Alarming Use of “Ice” in the Workplace

Posted by Robert O'Neill

ice on workplaceBusinesses and companies across the country have been warned about the growing “ice epidemic” that has created considerable risks on work health and safety, strained labour productivity, and ripped workforce participation.

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Topics: Hazard and Risk Management, Responsibility, Authority and Commitment