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Why Safety Climate is More Important than Safety Culture in Improving OHS Outcomes

Posted by Robert O'Neill

Screen Shot 2021-06-11 at 2.20.22 pmSafety culture and safety climate are two critical concepts in Occupational Health and Safety (OHS). Safety culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, and practices that shape an organisation's approach to safety. On the other hand, safety climate refers to the perceptions and attitudes of employees towards safety within an organisation. While safety culture focuses on the underlying values and beliefs that drive safety, safety climate is more concerned with how employees perceive and behave towards safety in their day-to-day work.

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Topics: Safety Culture

Unlocking the Potential of Incident Investigation: Understanding Human Factors and Just Culture

Posted by Deirdre McConn

group of people gathered around a table for a meeting, with all members actively participating and listening to one anotherIncident investigation is a central role of safety professionals and a vital process for safety management in organisations. However, despite their importance, incident investigation processes often need to be more effective as learning tools across organisations. In this article, we will explore what an effective incident investigation process looks like, the science of human factors and the theory of just culture as they relate to incident management and investigation.

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Topics: Incident and Performance Management, Safety Differently

Breaking Down Barriers: Enhancing Safety Through Cross-Organisational Communication

Posted by Robert O'Neill

disbeliefSafety is a top priority for any organisation, but achieving it can be a challenging task. One issue that often arises is a lack of communication and coordination across different departments and teams. Safety professionals are tasked with monitoring compliance with safety controls, but traditional approaches can create adversarial relationships and lead to blaming individuals when incidents occur. However, by breaking down these barriers and facilitating cross-organisational communication, safety professionals can play a critical role in enhancing safety within the organisation.

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Understanding and Managing Fatigue in the Workplace: A Guide for Employers

Posted by Deirdre McConn

fatigue imageFatigue is a severe issue in the workplace, and managers must understand how best to manage fatigue risks. The Defences in Depth (DiD) approach is an effective way of managing Fatigue that involves multiple layers of controls. However, ensuring compliance with OHS regulations and standards can take time and effort when implementing this strategy. In this article, we'll explore understanding fatigue in the workplace, implementing a DiD approach to manage risk, and ensuring compliance with OHS regulations and standards when managing Fatigue at work.

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Topics: Occupational Health and Wellbeing

6 Simple Steps to Declutter Your Safety Management System

Posted by Deirdre McConn

stack of proceduresDecluttering a safety management system is an important task that can help ensure that your organisation effectively manages risks and keeps employees safe. A cluttered and disorganised safety management system can be confusing, hard to navigate, and even create additional risks if important information is not easily accessible. In this blog post, we'll discuss the steps you can take to declutter your safety management system and keep it organised, up-to-date, and effective.

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Topics: Safety Management Systems, Safety Differently