When a prisoner who was having a bad day threw a billiard ball at Jason Gould, the billiard ball was the last object the prison officer was able to see clearly with his left eye.
Prison Officers Regularly Face High Risk at Work with Prison Population Growing
Bakery Company to Pay Fine for Unguarded Conveyor Belt Severing a Worker’s Arm
A Melbourne-based bakery company was convicted and fined $60,000 after it failed to install a replacement guard on a dough processing machine, which resulted in an incident where a worker had his arm severed.
Topics: Prosecutions
Deficient Healthcare Violence Reporting Rated Attack on Pregnant Nurse “Minor”
The Auditor-General’s report revealed that a case wherein a pregnant nurse was kicked in the stomach was merely categorised as a “minor incident.”
Transpacific to Pay $363,000 Fine for Defective Truck Brakes That Caused Fatal Perth Crash
The defective brakes of a rubbish truck that caused a disastrous crash in Perth four years ago cost the waste management company Transpacific Industries a $363,000 fine.
Topics: Prosecutions
Australian Lawyers Alliance: Comcare Expansion Likely to Threaten Workers’ Safety
Upcoming plans on expanding the role of the national workplace safety regulator was believed to be a disaster waiting to happen, according to statements from lawyers who explained that the organisation’s failures from previous regulations suggest that it is not up to the task at hand.
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