Despite the prohibition imposed by employers, workers continue to wear safety stickers on their work day in their aim to further encourage and promote safety in the workplace. The current safety promotion campaign is the result of the tragic death of three miners in Queensland within the year and after standards for safety across the industry has once again dwindled.
Topics: Hazard and Risk Management, Contractors, Suppliers, Visitors & Customers, Communication, Consultation and Involvement, Safety Culture
The reputation of Australia’s trucking industry for being one of the country’s most dangerous sectors has once again reinforced in a survey conducted, with hundreds of employers participating and admitting to more often than not breaking workplace safety rules to have jobs completed on time and admit to having workplace injuries considered as typical day-to-day risks at work.
Topics: Hazard and Risk Management, Documentation, Document Control and Records, Safe Work Australia, Industry Sectors
Creating a culture of consultation leads to fewer injuries and incidents
Whatever the industry you work in or the size of your organisation, the HSR Initial OHS Training Course leads to a culture of consultation and fewer injuries and incidents.
Topics: Communication, Consultation and Involvement, Training and Competence
Victorian Parliaments Investigates on Alleged Contamination of Water at Training Base
According to a Victorian parliamentary investigation, water at the Country Fire Authority’s (CFA) training base in Fiskville in Western Victoria was alleged to have been deliberately contaminated as part of a biological experimental process.
Topics: Hazard and Risk Management
Union: Removing the Skills Requirement of Chinese Electricians an “Absolute Disgrace”
The Electrical Trades Union (ETU) expressed their worry with the news on removing a significant requirement to evaluate the skills of Chinese electricians working with temporary visas as they could potentially endanger the Australian community.
Topics: Training and Competence
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