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Professional operational safety support
Robert O'Neill29/05/2023 12:07:46 PM4 min read

Moving from Fantasy Plans to Realistic Safety: The Role of the Safety Professional

construction worker in disbeliefSafety, without a doubt, remains a paramount concern for any organisation. With an increasingly interconnected world, an ever-evolving technological landscape and rising public awareness, effective safety measures are more critical than ever. The responsibility of a safety professional in this regard cannot be overstated. They serve as the guardians of workplace safety, ensuring that safety systems and processes effectively safeguard employees and the general public. Regrettably, traditional methodologies employed in system-level hazard analysis often fail to genuinely depict an organisation's safety standing and corresponding response mechanisms. In this blog post, we delve into how a proactive stance, supplemented by the pivotal role of the safety professional, can facilitate the transition from fantasy plans to an attainable safety reality.

Table of Contents

Limitations of Traditional Hazard Analysis
Role of the Safety Professional
3.1 Proactive Involvement in Operations
3.2 Moving from Fantasy Plans to Realistic Safety
3.3 Bridging Management and Front-line Workforce

Limitations of Traditional Hazard Analysis

Traditional hazard analysis methods often suffer from significant drawbacks due to their reactive nature. The implication is that hazards tend to be evaluated only post an incident rather than preemptively identified and dealt with beforehand. Consequently, the risk model established for the system often remains static, seldom undergoing revision even in light of emerging information. This can foster a deceptive sense of safety, aptly termed as "probative blindness", wherein an organization is misled into believing its systems are far safer than their actual reality.

Further, traditional hazard analysis is typically skewed towards process-focus, designed to demonstrate and assure safety to external stakeholders like regulators. This often culminates in formulating "fantasy plans" - theoretical representations of safety status and response mechanisms that bear little resemblance to real-life scenarios. Such fantasy plans often overlook daily operations' intricate details and idiosyncrasies, rendering them ineffective in averting potential harm.

Role of the Safety Professional

3.1 Proactive Involvement in Operations

The safety professional's role in mitigating these issues is crucial. An active stance, as opposed to passive observance, is integral to their contribution to an organisation. Their involvement in operations should translate to tangible support to front-line teams, enabling them to strike a dynamic balance between job demands, available resources, and other work-related factors. Safety professionals can significantly enhance the organisation's resilience and foster an adaptive and responsive safety culture by bolstering local practices and gaining a keen understanding of how disturbances, issues, and unexpected events are identified, interpreted, and dealt with.

3.2 Moving from Fantasy Plans to Realistic Safety

Safety professionals also play a pivotal role in steering organisations away from fantasy plans towards a more realistic safety outlook. Their expertise lies in identifying and reinforcing capacities that enable safe adaptations. They guide adaptability by discerning which local practices and adaptations should be bolstered and which should be curtailed. Through this, safety professionals help create dependable task performances, achieved via co-creation of work methods, open lines of communication, and fostering a culture steeped in trust, cooperation, and mutual respect.

3.3 Bridging Management and Front-line Workforce

Moreover, safety professionals are an essential bridge between line management and the front-line workforce. They facilitate planning and communication processes, align the workforce with management objectives, and ensure the trade-offs and judgments made in the interest of safety are fair and considerate. Safety professionals can optimise team performance and task interfaces by ensuring the needs of both line management and the front-line workforce are accounted for, leading to a more efficient and effective work environment.

While traditional approaches to system-level hazard analysis can fall short in providing a realistic view of an organisation's safety status and response, a proactive approach, supported by the role of the safety professional, can help organisations move from fantasy plans to realistic safety. By supporting local practices, reinforcing capacities that support safe adaptation, and guiding adaptability, safety professionals can play a key role in creating a more adaptive and responsive safety culture, and ensuring that the needs of both line management and the front-line workforce are taken into account.

At Work Safety Hub, we understand organisations' challenges regarding system-level hazard analysis and safety management. Our team of expert safety professionals has years of experience in supporting organisations to identify and evaluate system threats and vulnerabilities to assist in design and operation. We can help you to understand the hazards at a technology, system or business level that may or may not be associated with individual tasks of the front-line workforce, and provide guidance on how to support local practices, reinforce capacities that support safe adaptation, and guide adaptability.

Don't let your organisation fall victim to "probative blindness" and fantasy plans. Take the proactive step towards realistic safety today. Contact us to schedule a consultation and learn how we can help your organisation improve its safety management systems. Together, we can work towards a safer, more adaptive, and responsive workplace for all.

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Robert O'Neill

Robert is the founder and OHS Consulting Practice Leader of Work Safety Hub, with more than 10 years’ experience in managing safety and risk management programs.