
Improving safety in the building and construction industry - OFSC Update

Written by Robert O'Neill | 14/08/2019 3:14:00 AM

Want to have your say? Update your contact details with the OFSC

The Office of the Federal Safety Commissioner (OFSC) will be conducting its annual survey of accredited companies in August 2019. The survey helps the OFSC understand what being accredited means to accredited companies, and the role the Scheme has played in improving safety in the building and construction industry. The survey will also seek input about education and engagement activities the OFSC plans to undertake over the remainder of 2019 and 2020.
The OFSC will use the feedback provided in the survey to improve its operations and make sure that the Work Health and Safety Accreditation Scheme is improving safety in the construction industry.
As we are seeking only one survey response per accreditation, the survey will be sent to the primary reporting contact person the OFSC has on record for each accreditation. If you are unsure who the OFSC has on record as your primary reporting contact, or the contact details for your accreditation need to be updated, please phone the OFSC on 1800 652 500 (select option 1) or email for assistance with this.
Information provided in the survey will be treated confidentially. The survey will be anonymous and the OFSC will not be able to attribute responses to individual companies. Survey responses will be used for research purposes, including to inform the ongoing operations of the OFSC. For more information about how the Attorney-General’s Department manages personal information, please visit