
WorkSafe Victoria Course for Managers & Supervisors 2014

Written by Robert O'Neill | 08/05/2014 2:40:00 PM

6 Day OHS Training Course for Managers and Supervisors - June 12 & 13, 19 & 20, 25 & 27

WorkSafe Victoria strongly advises managers and supervisors to attend this course. Through lectures, case studies and practical exercises that encourage active participation, it will provide you with the information and skills required to identify hazards, implement control measures, consult with workers to resolve health and safety issues and assist injured workers successfully return to work. Learn more or register here.

Comprehensive course notes and up-to-date information will be provided.

Book Now for the next course: 12, 13, 19, 20, 25, 27 June 2014


Quest Moorabbin (5 Star) Full catering included in course fee $990.

3 Kingston Rd

Heatherton - Moorabbin VIC 3202