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PHONE HOTLINE: 1300 610 059
Robert O'Neill12/08/2013 9:21:33 PM2 min read

Top 10 Work Safety and Security Tips for Injured Workers

thumb_depositphotos_6560690_mWorkCover Tasmania has commissioned "Worker Assist" to be a service-funded entity to render assistance on work safety issues. Unions Tasmania primarily operates this and its main purpose is to help injured workers explore through Tasmania's workers compensation system. Worker Assist has been operational for around 18 months already. It proved to be helping many workers with different work safety issues.

WorkCover Tasmania has identified top ten tips for those workers who were injured while doing work:

  1. Render notice of any incident or injury, regardless of whether small or big incident, immediately to your supervisor.
  2. Make sure to put it into writing. Clearly describe what your injury is and state what you have been doing during that time. Briefly state when the incident/injury happened.
  3. You need to secure a Workers Compensation Medical Certificate from your GP and a Workers Compensation Claim Form from your employer if you are not able to perform your normal duties at work or if medical treatment is necessary. It is required to lodge these important documents immediately.
  4. Don't be threatened not to give a statement to an investigator.
  5. You have the right to select your own GP.
  6. You also bear the right to change your GP during the course of your claim, on the condition that you give your employer a notice. Authorising the transfer of your medical records to your new GP is also part of the procedure. A downloadable form can be obtained at WorkCover's website: please visit www.workcover.tas.gov.au and click on "changing your medical provider".
  7. You are not allowed to endorse to anyone your GP appointment. You must attend the GP appointment alone.
  8. Allow your rehab provider or in which case, the other person involved in your return to work to be in, after attending your GP appointment to discuss thoroughly your plan to return to work. Pay attention on what you can do at work, you are much better off getting back to work smoothly sooner than later.
  9. After you recovered from your injury, a Final Certificate should be secured only if your GP considers it as appropriate.
  10. Contact Worker Assist on 1300 0 ASSIST (1300 027 747) or email workerassist@unionstas.com should you require any advice on your work situation.

WorkCover Evaluated IMP Guidelines

Tasmania's workers compensation scheme is supported by the Injury Management Programs for almost three years now. The WorkCover Tasmania Board will evaluate a better version of the Injury Management Program Guidelines in order to establish the accomplishments that have been already achieved during this time. The Guidelines are an indispensable tool in determining the elements that comprise systems insurers and thus employers need to prepare for good injury management. Then the success of this will allow employers to be able to improve work outcomes for injured workers and enhance workers' compensation scheme.

Guidelines for IMP have been dedicated towards the process. However, the evaluation is not about adding up more paperwork and bureaucracy, as according to WorkCover Assistant Director Brad Parker. He said, ‘We will focus on identifying those activities and behaviours that are critical to improving return to work outcomes for injured workers.’

What are IMPs?

IMPs are composed of a series of policies that are documented and procedures that explain how they will accomplish an integrated process for the holistic management of injured workers. These policies were introduced last July 2010 to form part of the Return to Work and Injury Management Model.


Robert O'Neill

Robert is the founder and OHS Consulting Practice Leader of Work Safety Hub, with more than 10 years’ experience in managing safety and risk management programs.