We address the legal obligations of your organisation and the Labour Hire Agency, the job assessment, the labour hire contract, worker selection and induction, management and monitoring of the contract, and finally review.
Now lets be clear, you must ensure that labour hire personnel are suitable, qualified and competent for the work they are required to carry out and that they carry out their work without harm to themselves, to others, or to the environment.
Now how do we do this without allocating a disproportionate cost burden on the organisation?
Answer: systems and process!
All managers and other company personnel who are involved in engaging, managing or supervising labour hire personnel, must be advised that:
Prior to engaging an LHA, an assessment should be undertaken on the tasks required to be carried out by the labour hire personnel.This should include:
The work to be done, including details such as
Unless already available, a risk assessment should be carried out for the job.Copy of the complete job assessment should be provided to the LHA which should be required to demonstrate it has been utilised in selecting a suitable worker for the job.
In addition, the LHA should be required to conduct a worksite visit to verify the assessment, ensure legislative compliance, identify any other risks and, where applicable, request health and safety improvements.Any requested improvements should be assessed and, if justified, implemented prior to the commencement of the labour hire contract.
The labour hire contract should stipulate that while the company has responsibility for the health and safety of the labour hire personnel, the LHA has equal responsibility to ensure the health and safety of its employees/workers.In addition, the contract should require labour hire personnel to:
More specifically, the LHA should be expected to carry out the following:
In addition, the LHA should also be required to provide insurance arrangements, as appropriate to each job.
The manager responsible for the labour hire contract must ensure that the worker selected by the LHA is suitable for the job, in accordance with the criteria stipulated in the job assessment.
Once approved, the worker should undergo induction as applicable to the job and any additional training that may be required.
Labour hire personnel must be provided with appropriate supervision and instruction while they are engaged by the company.
Arrangement must also be in place to ensure regular communication between the worker, the supervisor and LHA.
In the event of any change to the job, the LHA should be notified prior to that change.
The performance of the labour hire worker should be monitored to ensure the worker complies with all of his or her WHS related obligations, as stipulated in the contract.In the event of any non-compliance (e.g. not following WHS procedures or work instructions, unsafe work practices, etc), the LHA should be immediately notified.
In the event of any incidents involving labour hire personnel, the LHA must again be immediately notified, in addition to taking all other appropriate actions.
Once a labour hire contract has been completed, it should be formally reviewed.The review should include but is not limited to the following:
Any issues, non-conformances or suggested improvements identified, should be the subject of your corrective action process.
General advice warning
The information on this site is of a general nature only. It does not take your specific needs or circumstances into consideration. You should look at your own situation and requirements before making any decisions. Please contact our Occupational Health and Safety Consultants for further information.