
How to be proactive about your Safety Management Systems

Written by Robert O'Neill | 23/10/2012 4:23:00 PM

When it comes to safety management systems in the workplace, it’s better to be proactive rather than reactive to avoid problems in your workplace.

One of WorkSafe Victoria’s strategies is to encourage medium sized businesses to integrate safety into their business management systems, to ensure they practice prevention rather than reaction, and gain commitment from owners/directors to the process.

Often owners and directors are simply unaware that systematic prevention-based health and safety management systems and promotion leads to reduced WorkCover premiums and other cost reductions. This is why the Seven Pillars of Safety has been developed.

The fourth pillar, Training and Supervision, seeks to ensure supervisors and workers understand the potential impacts of poor performance and fulfill their OHS/RTW roles and responsibilities, ensuring minimisation of injuries due to rule breaches.

So, do you have the fourth pillar in place in your workplace? Read the latest article in our series for Dynamic Business magazine here and learn how you can ensure you can be proactive about your health and safety management systems.