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PHONE HOTLINE: 1300 610 059
Robert O'Neill22/08/2012 1:32:52 AM1 min read

2012 Comcare Conference to Focus on Psychological Injuries

comcare_sponsor2The Australian Comcare Conference this year, 19th to 21st September, at the Sydney Convention Centre has a theme of Build, Connect and Support – Lead the Conversation, and more than 500 delegates from around Australia are expected to attend.

This year the focus will be on mental health with other themes looking at wellbeing:

Build—capability and awareness

Connect—people for better work ability

Support—people in recovery and return to work

Speakers will discuss perceptions around psychological injuries, social inclusion, ageing workforce and rehabilitation.

Delegates will be encouraged to think differently about these areas and how they can be addressed. The participants will also have opportunities to network with other OHS professionals and look at work health and safety issues.

According to the Comcare, the objectives of the conference are to:

1. Examine contemporary issues and explore continuous improvement opportunities to better manage psychological injury

2. Contribute to improving individual and organisational resilience

3. Raise awareness to recognise the importance of effective people management as critical success factors for organisations managing workplace injuries

4. Provide participants with significant professional development and networking opportunities

5. Deliver relevant information, ideas and strategies to assist organisations to develop their capabilities and improve their health and safety practices.

For more information see the Comcare website


Robert O'Neill

Robert is the founder and OHS Consulting Practice Leader of Work Safety Hub, with more than 10 years’ experience in managing safety and risk management programs.